ingrained meaning in English
根深蒂固的。 ingrained habits 积习,根深蒂固的偏见。
- Habit, training and discretion were ingrained .
习惯、训练和谨慎是根深蒂固的。 - It must buck centuries-old, deeply ingrained japanese customs .
它必须突破世代相传,深入肌理的日本风俗习惯。 - Chastity was as deeply ingrained in them as party loyalty .
清心寡欲的思想象对党忠诚一样牢牢地在她们心中扎了根。 - It is absurd and revolting but so ingrained that no effort is sufficient entirely to destroy it .
这种心理荒唐可笑,然而它是如此顽固,任何意志也不能把它毁灭。 - These thoughts should be ingrained in your mind