inborn meaning in English
生来的,天赋的,天生的,先天的 (opp. acquired)。
- A large number of inborn errors of metabolism are known in man .
人们了解到在人类中存在大量的先天性代谢缺陷。 - One component of the earning power of labor is its inborn characteristics .
劳动力挣钱能力的一个组成部分就是劳动力的天赋能力。 - He must meet that truth with his own true stuff-with his own inborn strength .
他必须用他自己的真实的感情--用他自己的固有力--去面对这种现实。 - A woman is an inborn guardian of “ home ”
一个女人天生就是一个“家”的守候者。 - He is a boy with an inborn love of mischief