goose meaning in English
(pl. geese )
1.鹅;雌鹅 (opp. gander); 鹅肉。
2.(pl. gooses) (成衣铺的)弯把熨斗。
The old woman is picking her geese. 下雪了〔儿语〕。 a wild goose chase 徒劳的追求,无益的举动。 All his geese are swans. 1. 夸大自己的长处。 2. 敝帚自珍。 all right on the goose = be sound on the goose 〔美国〕稳健,持正统观念。 as silly [stupid] as a goose 蠢极了。 cannot say bo [boh, boo] to a goose 〔口语〕胆小怕事。 chase the wild goose 徒劳的追求,无益的举动。 cooked [gone] goose 无可救药的人,没有希望的事。 cook one's (own) goose 自己害自己;毁掉自己的希望[机会、计划]。give ... the goose 〔美俚〕加快速度。 the goose that lays the golden eggs 摇钱树,财源。 kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵;只顾眼前利益,不顾长远利益。 like geese on a common 自由自在地闲逛。 make a goose of sb. 瞒骗某人,愚弄某人。 shoe the goose 徒劳无益,白费气力。 swim like a tailor's goose 〔戏谑语〕沉下去。 The goose hangs [honks] high. 〔美俚〕前途有望,形势大好。 turn geese into swans 把蠢鹅说成天鹅,言过其实。
- He is not such a goose as they make him ..
他并没有像大家想像的那样笨。 - You're all goose lumps, dear .
你身上全是鸡皮疙瘩呀,亲爱的。 - It's about time his goose was cooked .
现在该是他饮下自己酿的苦酒的时候了。 - The goose flapped heavily away .
那只鹅扇着沉重的翅膀飞走了。 - A goose waddles aimlessly .
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