
give meaning in English

(gave; given; giving)
1.送给,给。 I gave the boy a book. I gave a book to the boy. 我给男孩一本书。
2.授予,赋予,赐予(地位、头衔、名誉等)。 The law gives citizens the right to vote. 该法律给公民选举的权利。 be given the title of 被授予…称号。 G- a rogue rope enough and he will hang himself. 〔谚语〕坏人必自取灭亡。
3.作出;举出;显示出;载入;提出,表示出。 give an account of 说明。 give examples 举例。 give a guess 猜一猜。 give a suggestion 提出建议,建议。 give a try 试一试。 give signs of an illness 显示出病兆。 This word is not given in the dictionary. 这个词没有载入词典。 The thermometer gives 30° in the shade. 在阴凉处温度计上是摄氏三十度。 gave him her confidence 向他表示她的信任。
4.致(谢),转达(问候),贺(喜);提议为…干杯。 give thanks 感谢,致以感谢。 G- my love [compliments, regards] to your mother. 请问候你的母亲。 I give you joy. 恭喜恭喜。 I('ll) give you Mr. X. 为恭贺X先生干杯吧。
5.交付;委托;让出;嫁出。 give the porter one's bag to carry 把包交给搬行李工人提。 give a daughter in marriage 把女儿嫁出去。
6.卖与;交换。 I will give it for 5 dollars. 五块钱我就卖。 I will give 5 dollars for it. 我出五块钱买。
7.献身于,致力于。 give one's mind to a matter 为某件事费心。 give one's life to study 为学问而献身。
8.产生,得出;发,生;引起。 Trees give fruit. 树结果子。 Cows give milk 奶牛产奶。 4 divided by 2 gives 2. 二除四得二。
9.说,宣告;发出。 Judgment was given against the plaintiff. 作出原告败诉的裁决。 give a cry 喊叫,大叫一声。 give orders 发出命令。 The umpire gave him out. 裁判员宣告他出界。 The sun gives lights. 太阳发出光。
10.作为…的源泉[来源];给(病人)服(药);把(病)传染给;为…生子女;使…生子女。 give pleasure 带来欢乐。 You have given me your cold. 你把伤风传染给我了。 She gave him four sons. 她给他生了四个儿子。 He gave her two daughters. 他使她生了两个女儿。
13.完成(一次具体的动作或努力)give a kick [kiss, sly look, jump] 踢[吻、睨视、跳]。
14.假定,假想〔主用过去分词〕。 Given health, I can finish the work. 若是身体好,我可以完成那项工作。
15.被认为是,被归于。 The pamphlet has been given to his pen. 据说这册子是他写的。
16.规定,限定;指定。 He gave us Sunday as our day of meeting. 他指定星期日为我们的集会日。
17.使接触到…;使能够…;使可见…。 give sb. to understand sth. 使某人理解某事。 The window gives the meadow. 隔窗可见草地。
18.牺牲,失去。 She gave one eye in the accident. 她在事故中失去一只眼睛。
19.为…把电话接到…。 G- me the service desk, please. 请接服务台。
20.介绍。 Ladies and gentleman, I give you the Governor of Washington. 女士们,先生们,我请华盛顿州州长和诸位见面。
21.描述。 give the scenery of London 描述伦敦风光。
1.捐助,赠送。 give generously to charity 慷慨捐助。
2.(色)褪,(天气)变暖和;(冰等)融解。 The winter is giving. 冬天(的寒冷)渐渐和缓了。 The frost did not give all day. 霜终日不化。
3.投降,屈服,让步。 The Iron Army never gives. “铁军”永不退却。
4.(地等受压力)坍下,凹下;(木器等)弯曲;(沙发等)有弹性;(螺钉等)松动。 The foundations are giving. 地基陷下去了。 This sofa gives comfortably. 这张沙发的弹性好,坐起来舒服。 His knees gave. 他瘫了。
6.面向,通达。 a wicket giving into an avenue 通到林荫路的小门。
7.〔美俚〕发生,进行。 He demanded to know what gave. 〔美俚〕他要求知道发生了什么。



  1. They give the impression of having rigidity .
  2. They had learned to give up many things .
  3. I tried to give brisk, concise response .
  4. The storm gave way to bright sunshine .
  5. Wait a moment , let me give you a demonstration .
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