downsman meaning in English
- Chongqing , a city located in west china , confronted with a series of chances , such as yangtze gorges project , municipality directly under the central government , development of the west regions , and fully developing our ideal society so on , which made chongqing get great progress . the gdp of chongqing has increased by double digit every year since 1998 , and gets to 266 . 539 billion in 2004 , 9608 yuan per person . engel ' s coefficient of downsman family of chongqing decreased below 40 % in 2004
三峡工程、直辖、西部大开发、全面建设小康社会等一系列的机遇使重庆这个西部城市获得了前所未有的发展,从直辖到现在的八年时间内,重庆市每年的gdp均以两位数递增, 2004年,全市gdp总量达到2665 . 39亿元,人均9608元,已突破1000美元大关,城市居民家庭恩格尔系数已经下降到40 %以下,按照国际1000美元至3000美元为城市快速发展期的标准,重庆市已进入快速发展时期。