dingle meaning in English
- Yuan shikai in the eyes of journalist dingle
丁格尔眼中的袁世凯 - In the meantime the supervisor rode on , as fast as he could , to kitt s hole but his men had to dismount and grope down the dingle leading , and sometimes supporting , their horses , and in continual fear of ambushes ; so it was no great matter for surprise that when they got down to the hole the lugger was already under way , though still close in
这时,行政长官骑上了马,尽快地向凯特湾赶去但是他手下的人不得不从马上下来,沿着有树木的深谷摸索着前进,牵着他们的马,有时则贴在马身上,他们惟恐遭遇埋伏哩。所以,当他们到达海湾时,单桅船已经航行到不远的海面上,也就不足为怪了。 - And after came all saints and martyrs , virgins and confessors : s . cyr and s . isidore arator and s . james the less and s . phocas of sinope and s . julian hospitator and s . felix de cantalice and s . simon stylites and s . stephen protomartyr and s . john of god and s . ferreol and s . leugarde and s . theodotus and s . vulmar and s . richard and s . vincent de paul and s . martin of todi and s . martin of tours and s . alfred and s . joseph and s . denis and s . cornelius and s . leopold and s . bernard and s . terence and s . edward and s . owen caniculus and s . anonymous and s . eponymous and s . pseudonymous and s . homonymous and s . paronymous and s . synonymous and s . laurence o toole and s . james of dingle and compostella and s . columcille and s . columba and s . celestine and s . colman and s . kevin and s . brendan and s . frigidian and s . senan and s . fachtna and s . columbanus and s . gall and s . fursey and s . fintan and s . fiacre and s . john nepomuc and s . thomas aquinas and s . ives of brittany and s . michan and s . herman - joseph and the three patrons of holy youth s . aloysius gonzaga and s . stanislaus kostka and s . john berchmans and the saints gervasius , servasius and bonifacius and s . bride and s . kieran and s . canice of kilkenny and s . jarlath of tuam and s . finbarr and s . pappin of ballymun and brother aloysius pacificus and brother louis bellicosus and the saints rose of lima and of viterbo and s . martha of bethany and s . mary of egypt and s . lucy and s . brigid and s . attracta and s . dympna and s . ita and s . marion calpensis and the blessed sister teresa of the child jesus and s . barbara and s . scholastica and s . ursula with eleven thousand virgins
这边是头戴主教冠的大修道院院长小修道院院长方济各会修道院院长修士托钵修士斯波莱托550的本笃会修士加尔都西会和卡马尔多利会的修士551西多会和奥利维坦会的修士552奥拉托利会和瓦隆布罗萨会的修士553 ,以及奥古斯丁会修士布里吉特会修女554普雷蒙特雷修会圣仆会555和圣三一赎奴会修士,彼得诺拉斯科的孩子们556还有先知以利亚的孩子们也在主教艾伯特和阿维拉的德肋撒的引导下从加尔默山下来了,穿鞋的和另一派557褐衣和灰衣托钵修士们,安贫方济各的儿子们558嘉布遣会559修士们,科德利埃会修士们,小兄弟会修士们和遵规派修士们560克拉蕾的女儿们561 ,还有多明我会的儿子们,托钵传教士们,以及遣使会562的儿子们。再就是圣沃尔斯坦563的修士们,依纳爵的弟子们564 ,以及可敬的在俗修士埃德蒙依纳爵赖斯率领下的圣教学校兄弟会会员们565 。随后来的是所有那些圣徒和殉教者们,童贞修女们和忏悔师们。 - The hotel has 141 rooms , standard rooms and dingle rooms and more than 280beds with all equipments . a cup of coffee , a classcial magazine will make you enjoy the music while relaxing you busy life . this is the highest of kaifeng . from this building you may have a view over the grand building - dragon pavilion and the historical lron pagoda . on the same time you will receive the sound of xiangguo momastery
酒店拥有各式客房141间套, 280馀个床位,配套设施全。一杯香浓的咖啡一份经典的杂志,在您享受现代紧张生活的同时,亦能聆听历史长河的翩翩乐章:举目远眺亭的金碧辉煌,铁塔的行云流水俯耳倾听古兰经的高声吟唱,相国霜钟低声鸣响