
corl meaning in English



  1. N - corl involving a corepressor complex ( including ncor , smrt , and hdac ) can mediate the transcriptional repression of thyroid horm
    其人类的同源物可以与卜干扰素的启动子, 1型免疫缺陷病毒重复长末端
  2. The results show that n - corl can also interact with another fragment f6 ( amino acids 2960 - 3576 ) . further screening proteins that interact with anther fragment f6 , we isolated the cdna of igm heaven chain contant region , ubiquitin - conjugating enzyme e2l6 and a new protein
  3. To search proteins that associate with the mouse mint protein and regulate notch signaling in nuclei , and to study the function and mechanism of mint - mediated transcription repression , yeast two - hybrid assay was used to screen proteins that interact with a fragment of mint ( f5 , amino acids 2226 - 2959 ) . from 4x106 yeast clones transformed with the bait plasmid and a cdna library of 9 dpc mouse embryo , fifty - one were positive for nutritional screening and p - galactosidase assay . restriction digestion identified 10 independent positive clones and these were analyzed by dna sequencing these clones represent 3 correctly fused cdna fragments , which are mint , alpha a - crystallin - binding protein i ( alphaa - crybpl ) , and nuclear receptor co - repressor 1 ( n - corl ) , respectively
    鉴于mwt基因编码区较长,共有10799个碱基,故此我们将mint分为六段,分别命名为fi一f6 ,本研究以其中的f5 ( 222e959 )和f6 ( 296s576 )片段为研究对象,将h者分别插入pgb盯7载体中,结果显示: mintfs可与核受体辅助抑制因子1阶cori ) , o晶状体蛋白结合蛋白1hlphatcrybp入及mw加互作用,而f6可与igm的重链恒定区、泛素结合酶2l6和一个未知功能的新的蛋白基因进行结合。

Related Words

  1. corkywing euonymus bark
  2. cork;phellem
  3. corlaciu
  4. corlan
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