contras meaning in English
- About the us selling arms to lran and the contras
是关于美国卖武器给伊朗和敌对方的。 - How do you feel about the u . s . intervention and their support of the contras
美国介入当地战争并支持尼加拉瓜反抗军( contra - But he said he did not know the money went to nicaraguan rebels known as the contras
但是他声称他根本不知道这些资金被秘密的运到尼加拉瓜。 - 209 " progress is best made through discussion among people who have contras ting points of view .
在持不同意见的人们中展开讨论是进步的最佳方式。 - 209 " progress is best made through discussion among people who have contras ting points of view .