christus meaning in English
- You could see the skeleton behind the man , and almost the ghost behind the skeleton . he matched crivelli s dead christus
你看见的只是他身上的一副骨架,几乎可以看见那副骨架后面的鬼魂。 - Eph 2 : 7 so will gott in seiner liebe zu uns , die in jesus christus sichtbar wurde , f r alle zeiten die gr ? ? e seiner gnade zeigen
弗2 : 7要将他极丰富的恩典,就是他在基督耶稣里向我们所施的恩慈,显明给后来的世代看。 - Ex quibus , stephen mumbled in a noncommittal accent , their two or four eyes conversing , christus or bloom his name is , or , after all , any other , secundum carnem . - of course , mr bloom proceeded to stipulate , you must look at both sides of the question
“他们是族长们的子孙, ”斯蒂芬用模棱两可的的腔调说,他们的两只或四只眼睛相互望着, “按照身世说,基督也罢,叫布卢姆也罢,或是不论叫什么名字,跟他们同族。