chakrasamvara meaning in English
- Vajrayogini , is a representation of complete buddhahood in female form , whose practices are associated with the chakrasamvara cycle of anuttarayoga tantra
金刚瑜珈母金刚瑜珈母代表著清静光明的佛性化身为女性。 - It is also said , in the second chapter of the root tantra of chakrasamvara : " if you wish for sublime realization , offer hundreds of lights "
在密续根本经第二章里提到若善男子善女子欲发愿证得无上菩提他她应供养百盏燃灯 - Then the fortunate one must receive the tantric initiation of the mandala of either chakrasamvara , guhyasamaja or vajrabhaivara . after meeting these requirements the practitioner is qualified to enter the mandala of vajrayogini