bumper-to-bumper meaning in English
- We sat bumper - to - bumper in the traffic jam
我们遇到交通阻塞,汽车一辆辆首尾相接动弹不得 - And it ' s bumper - to - bumper
交通堵塞中 - Bumper - to - bumper
一辆接一辆的 - Bumper - to - bumper traffic delayed lilliam and gerardo miranda ' s trip to jackson memorial hospital on wednesday morning
周三早上,拥堵的交通耽误了莉莉娅姆和吉拉尔多?米兰达前往杰克逊纪念医院的就诊时间。 - Bumper - to - bumper traffic delayed lilliam and gerardo miranda ' s trip to jackson memorial hospital on wednesday morning . gerardo miranda said he was so nervous he made a wrong turn about a mile from the hospital