
branche meaning in English



  1. Hfliger hat die ersten erfahrungen mit groprojekten in der food - branche gesammelt
  2. House fey - branche is one of the most ancient of all of menzoberranzan ' s long - lasting noble houses
  3. Un male quetzal se pose sur une branche avant de regagner son nid . plumes au vent , il observe les environs
  4. Each purchase category is led by one category manager who may be at corporate , delegation , branche or company level
  5. Chief alliances : house fey - branche has long practiced fawning adulation for the houses of higher status ; it has no formal alliance , but is recognized for lackey potential by houses # 1 - 7
    主要盟友:菲布兰契家族一直以来都在熟练的对地位更高的家族不遗余力的阿谀奉承;这个家族没有正式的盟友,但是被公认为可能会成为1 - 7家族潜在的走卒。

Related Words

  1. peripheral branche
  2. subscapular branche
  3. coudekerque branche
  4. special procedures branche
  5. superior labial branche
  6. in schwierigkeiten geratene branche
  7. neue entwickelung der solar branche
  8. sur la plus haute branche
  9. branche structure et cycle structure
  10. branchcurrent
  11. branchdale
  12. branche structure et cycle structure
  13. brancheae
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