bolshoi meaning in English
- He had met a bolshoi ensemble girl .
他碰到“大剧院”剧团里的一个姑娘。 - Adapted by leonid lavrovsky which premiered at bolshoi theatre in moscow
拉夫罗夫斯基改编,莫斯科大剧院首演 - Over the years , the hong kong sinfonietta has collaborated with an illustrious array of musicians and groups , including vladimir ashkenazy , luciano pavarotti , augustin dumay , christopher hogwood , fou ts ong , yuri bashmet , tan dun , leslie howard , mikhail rudy , robert king , gary graffman , melvyn tan , jian wang , laurent korcia , lang lang , david helfgott , sarah brightman , and the kirov , bolshoi , stuttgart and hong kong ballets . the orchestra is also a regular guest at the hong kong arts festival ,
多年来,乐团除了与亚殊坚纳西巴伐洛堤杜美霍活特傅聪谭盾郎朗王健陈万荣陈佐湟莫斯科大剧院芭蕾舞团基洛夫芭蕾舞团及史图加特芭蕾舞团等国际知名音乐家及艺团合作外,亦著意与本地出色的演奏家如姚珏马忠为董林冰兰罗乃新吴美乐李传韵陈浩堂郑慧李嘉罗咏?和黄晨达等合作。 - It is really a challenge to the ballerinas in their acting skill and the tacit understanding with the principal role as albrecht . the moscow city ballet will perform the version adapted by leonid lavrovsky which ws premiered in bolshoi theatre in 1944 . this retained adolphe adam s poetic ballet music and was well supported by the consummate ballet choreography , which give the production of
莫斯科市立芭蕾舞团是次演出是由拉夫罗夫斯基改编,在莫斯科大剧院于一九四四年首演的版本,保留了亚杜夫亚当极丰诗意的原著音乐,在独特编舞衬托下,令舞剧的音乐戏剧性更形出众,同时保存及演活了《吉赛尔》的原著神髓。 - World - renowned hong kong tenor warren mok has performed many leading roles since his european debut in 1987 at the deutsche oper berlin . with a distinguished international career , mok has been making frequent guest appearances throughout the world , including teatro colon in buenos aires , paris opera , teatro dell opera di roma , teatro comunale di bologna , teatro massimo palermo , opera de lyon , the netherlands opera , opera de nice , leipzig opera , royal danish opera , teatro di san carlos lisbon , bolshoi theatre , warsaw opera , teatro di cagliari , abao bilbao , teatro di palma di mallorca , nancy opera france , bergen opera norway , latvian national opera , lithuanian national opera , sydney opera house , hawaii opera theater , and concert halls in new york s carnegie hall , london s royal albert hall , berlin philharmonie , tokyo , seoul , etc . his operatic repertoire exceeds 50 roles including calaf in