
bitingly meaning in English



  1. The doctor pushed open the door. the interior was silent and bitingly cold .
  2. It was a very dubious-looking, nay a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless .
  3. A bitingly funny and honest look at modern relationships , closer is the story of four strangers julia roberts , jude law , natalie portman and clive owen - their chance meetings , instant attractions and casual betrayals
  4. More than 1 , 000 ardent fans gathered for south africa ' s match against spain at a big screen in the city , where they whistled , leapt , screamed and howled at every goal or high point in the game , undeterred by a bitingly cold wind
    本文来自news . jewelove . net当天大约1000名球迷聚集在市中心的一个大屏幕前观看了这场南非对西班牙的球赛。尽管冒着凛冽的寒风,但是球迷们热情不减,每一个进球或者比赛高潮都让他们欢呼雀跃尖叫呐喊。

Related Words

  1. biting type
  2. biting wind
  3. bitinn’s late night show
  4. bitinterleavedparity
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