bifidus meaning in English
- Biolife abc yogurt base is a probiotic yogurt ( probio = for life ) containing special lactic bacteria cultures ( acidophilus , bifidus and casei ) that are normally and naturally found in the human intestine but can be depleted through stress , illness , aging , exertion , antibiotics , bad digestion or poor diet
益生优格是一种益生菌优酪乳(益生菌=生命) ,益生优格除包括保嗜酸杆菌和干酪乳杆菌外特别包含有(杆菌和双歧杆菌等) ,是人类肠道中的天然“居民” ,它们具有的功能包括:占据肠道的表面、吸收营养、释放出乳酸、释放出抗细菌物质(天然抗生素)和促进排泄。