
bedes meaning in English



  1. I must also thank all the film companies who kindly provide the right to show and publish jupiter s photos , exhibition design house i concept design studio , the book s design house tomsenga design , designers steven lo and bede leung , the printing company friendship printing co ltd and its boss sung shee - wu . of course i owed a lot to our archive colleagues , especially law kar , ainling wong , bede cheng , cass wong , daphne chan , chan wing - hang , amy kong , candice cheong , jim lau , hung yuen and cheung yu - ping
    特别鸣谢的还有所有提供相片版权的电影公司设计及装置展览的视与想设计工作室此书的设计公司tomsenga design美术设计steven lo和bede leung和记印刷公司其老板宋叙五先生资料馆各组参与同事,特别是罗卡黄爱玲郑子宏王少芳陈秀英陈颖恒江颖盈刘智轩和洪源张宇平等。
  2. After defeating 12th - seeded natalie cook and nicole sanderson of australia , fourth - place olympic finishers in athens , 19 - 21 , 21 - 16 and 15 - 11 in 51 minutes , the young chinese posted a 19 - 21 , 21 - 19 and 15 - 12 win in 63 minutes over fifth - seeded adriana behar and shelda bede of brazil
    在以51分钟19 : 21 , 21 : 16和15 : 11战胜了雅典奥运会第四名12号种子澳大利亚的娜达丽库克和凯丽珀特哈斯特后(也是悉尼奥运会的冠军译注) ,年青的中国选手以63分钟19 : 21 , 21 : 19 , 15 : 12战胜了5号种子巴西的安德丽亚娜贝哈儿和舍尔塔贝德。
  3. Thanks to bede cheng of the programming team , at long last we had the opportunity to talk face - to - face with mr ho kian - ngiap . bede cheng , grace ng , sam ho , angel shing and i went over to singapore to meet with him twice last year , accompanied by professor yung sai - shing and miss grace mak of the national university of singapore . kong ngee was a cherished treasure to mr ho

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