battlemented meaning in English
- From my seat i could look down on thornfield : the grey and battlemented hall was the principal object in the vale below me ; its woods and dark rookery rose against the , west
建有城垛的灰色府第是低处溪谷中的主要景物,树林和白嘴鸦黑魈魈的巢穴映衬着西边的天际。 - Between the old and the new rue du temple , there was the temple , a sinister group of towers , lofty , erect , and isolated in the middle of a vast , battlemented enclosure
在圣殿老街和新街之间,坐落着圣殿教堂,屹立在一道筑有雉堞的宽阔围墙中间,一簇塔楼高耸,形单影只,好不凄凉。 - In the diminishing daylight they went along the level roadway through the meads , which stretched away into gray miles , and were backed in the extreme edge of distance by the swarthy and abrupt slopes of egdon heath . on its summit stood clumps and stretches of fir - trees , whose notched tips appeared like battlemented towers crowning black - fronted castles of enchantment