baldwyn meaning in English
- Society member charlotte baldwyn warned : " by far the most common concern for domestic dogs is obesity . we overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends .
协会成员夏洛特鲍德温警告说: "目前对于英国国内的狗来说,最普遍的问题就是肥胖。 - Society member charlotte baldwyn warned : " by far the most common concern for domestic dogs is obesity . we overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends .
协会成员夏洛特?鲍德温警告说: "目前对于(英国)国内的狗来说,最普遍的问题就是肥胖。我们吃的总是过量,而且喜欢留点特别好的东西给我们的宠物吃。