
aryabhata meaning in English

阿耶波多 印度的数学家天文学家


  1. T . r . n . rao and chung - huang yang , " aryabhata remainder theorem : relevance to public - key crypto - algorithms , " proc . 2005 symposium on cryptography and information security , kobe , japan , january 2005 , pp . 1111 - 1116
    杨中皇,椭圆曲线密码系统软体实现技术之探讨,资讯安全通讯,第十一卷第一期,页15 ~ 25 , 2005年1月。
  2. Mostly , these are inherited from a system first enunciated in jyotish vedanga ( one of the six adjuncts to the vedas , 12th to 14th century bc ) , standardized in the surya siddhanta ( 3rd century ) and subsequently reformed by astronomers such as aryabhata ( 499 ) , varahamihira ( 6th century ) , and bhaskara ( 12th century )
    主要地,它们最初是由《周谛士吠陀》 (出于公元前12至14世纪,是吠陀六分支的其中之一)体系继承而来,在《苏雅西德汉塔》 (公元三世纪)里得以标准化,后来陆续被阿里亚巴塔( 499 ) ,伐罗诃密希罗(六世纪) ,毗迦罗(十二世纪)等的天文学家革新。

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  1. arya tara
  2. arya-shraddhabaladhanavataramudra sutra
  3. aryabhatai
  4. aryadeva
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