alianza meaning in English
- The first group , guided by lieutenant castro cruz and a representative of the alianza municipal government , distributed emergency supplies to victims in a number of areas . the other group , guided by father angel , went into a remote mountain area . owing to the loss of communication and lack of food , the highland residents had been forced to drink unclean water and feed on decayed farm produce during the past fifteen days . since the road was damaged , they did not expect any help from outside
隔天我们分成两组,第一组由castro cruz中尉及alianza的市府代表陪同,前往各区分送物品给受灾户,另一组由angel神父等人陪同到一个偏僻的山区,该山区已有十五天没有通讯缺乏食物,居民只有喝污水和吃已经变味的受损农作物。