
adatom meaning in English



  1. An atomic smictufal model for c ( 2x2 ) reconstruction is proposed and a total energy calculation illustrates that the hollow - site - occupied si adatom model might be a possible atomic structure of the c ( 2x2 ) reconstruction
    光电子发射谱被用于研究界面形成过程中出zp 、 hf4f芯能级谱和价带谱,以及功函数等的变化。
  2. Based on the further study by the scedng tunneling microscopy ( stm ) investigation , a sthce structural model wth the formation of the pair - like er adatom rows is adopted to replace the previously suggested single er adatom model to explain the ( 4x2 ) reconsmiction
    5至1个单层铒原子的硅( 001 )衬底上,经低温退火后观察到了( 4 2 )再构。通过对该现象的进一步的扫描隧道显微镜研究,建立起了基于铒吸附原子对的模型来解释该再构。

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