abiel meaning in English
- Now there was a man from benjamin whose name was kish , the son of abiel , the son of zeror , the son of becorath , the son of aphiah , a benjaminite , a man of wealth
1有一个便雅悯人,名叫基士,是便雅悯人亚斐亚的玄孙,比歌拉的曾孙,洗罗的孙子,亚别的儿子,是个财主。 - Now there was a man of benjamin , whose name was kish , the son of abiel , the son of zeror , the son of bechorath , the son of aphiah , a benjamite , a mighty man of power
1有一个便雅悯人,名叫基士,是便雅悯人亚斐亚的玄孙,比歌拉的曾孙,洗罗的孙子,亚别的儿子,是个大能的勇士(或作大财主) 。